domingo, 22 de julho de 2012

Novas Vagas

"GERENTE FINANCEIRO (IMPOSTOS) • Profundo domínio de rotinas de Impostos; • Inglês - Fluente (OBRIGATÓRIO) • Nível Gerencial • Horário Administrativo de segunda a sexta • Enviar currículo com pretensão salarial Para Multinacional em Sorocaba INTERESSADOS ENCAMINHAR CURRÍCULO PARA"
Vivência anterior na área de combate Pirataria;
Idioma inglês fluente;
Disponibilidade para trabalhar em Alphaville.

Sobre a vaga:
Responsável pela administração do escritório de advocacia especializado no combate contra Pirataria
Participação na elaboração da estratégia no combate a Pirataria com foco na Copa do Mundo e Olimpíadas
Treinamentos sobre identificação de produtos contrafeitos junto aos órgãos competentes
Trabalhar internamente com as áreas de vendas recebendo denúncias e com a área de merchandising na identificação de produtos contrafeitos
Controlar e elaborar o orçamento de Proteção da Marca divididos em 3 pilares: Despesa de Advogados, Armazenagem e Destruição
Manter o site Salesforce atualizado, com as informações sobre apreensões, processos judiciais, etc.
Trabalhar com o Global Brand Protection Team implementando as melhores práticas no Brasil
Manter o acompanhamento e ações no combate à Pirataria no mundo digital



Vivência anterior na área de combate Pirataria;
Idioma inglês fluente;
Disponibilidade para trabalhar em Alphaville.

Sobre a vaga:
Responsável pela administração do escritório de advocacia especializado no combate contra Pirataria
Participação na elaboração da estratégia no combate a Pirataria com foco na Copa do Mundo e Olimpíadas
Treinamentos sobre identificação de produtos contrafeitos junto aos órgãos competentes
Trabalhar internamente com as áreas de vendas recebendo denúncias e com a área de merchandising na identificação de produtos contrafeitos
Controlar e elaborar o orçamento de Proteção da Marca divididos em 3 pilares: Despesa de Advogados, Armazenagem e Destruição
Manter o site Salesforce atualizado, com as informações sobre apreensões, processos judiciais, etc.
Trabalhar com o Global Brand Protection Team implementando as melhores práticas no Brasil
Manter o acompanhamento e ações no combate à Pirataria no mundo digital

Atualmente a TRANSEARCH Brasil está assessorando uma Instituição multinacional dedicada aos segmentos de Saúde, Educação e
Assistência Social.


O Gerente Corporativo de Desenvolvimento de Negócios terá como principais atribuições:
• Atuar como guardião dos valores éticos, morais e humanos preconizados pela organização e acompanhar os planos elaborados de modo sistemático garantindo visão proativa para a adoção de medidas corretivas;
• Alinhar as ações da área comercial a estratégia e objetivos de cada hospital;
Identificar e manter-se atento aos fatores de competição inerentes a cada especialidade de serviços assistenciais realizados pelos hospitais;
• Estabelecer os diferenciais competitivos para cada fator de competição identificado e as ações de enfoque ao mercado;
• Propor política de relacionamento com clientes diretos e indiretos;
• Definir cenários e premissas para a elaboração de planos de ação mercadológica, de forma corporativa;
• Interagir com os Diretores Executivo e Técnico dos hospitais para conhecer o corpo clinico e as especialidades médicas e serviços auxiliares de diagnóstico e tratamento, visando desenvolver produtos e novos formatos para apresentação ao mercado;
• Avaliar os custos de procedimentos desenvolvendo planos para melhorar a rentabilidade, através de tabelas de preços mais
• Definir critérios de qualificação e manutenção da relação com operadoras e seguradoras de saúde, permitindo avaliar os benefícios desta relação, bem como para prospecção de novos parceiros e nichos de atuação;
• Elaborar plano de comunicação e divulgação para promover excelências no mercado;
• Elaborar instrumentos de avaliação do desempenho da ação comercial, com definição de indicadores de desempenho para monitoramento contínuo;
• Elaborar pesquisas periódicas para avaliar necessidades e grau de satisfação das operadoras e seguradoras de saúde dos clientes atendidos e do corpo clinico, visando otimizar o posicionamento dos hospitais no mercado;
• Acompanhar os planos elaborados de modo sistemático garantindo visão proativa para a adoção de medidas corretivas;
• Atuar de forma Corporativa nas negociações com fontes pagadoras e outros clientes que englobem todos os hospitais;
• Manter relacionamento estreito com as áreas comerciais das unidades, orientando, apoiando e monitorando os projetos e políticas estabelecidas.


O Gerente Corporativo de Desenvolvimento de Negócios deverá ter formação superior e é desejável especialização em áreas correlatas à Administração Hospitalar. Deve ter conhecimentos avançados em Inglês.
São aspectos importantes na experiência do candidato:
• Atuar na elaboração da composição de preços;
• Vivência em negociações de tabelas de preços, com participação em negociações junto ao corpo executivo;
• Vivência com aspectos culturais de entidades fornecedoras de serviços de saúde fortemente orientadas para a filantropia com sustentabilidade;
• Sólidos conhecimentos dos aspectos operacionais de organizações prestadoras de serviços de assistência médico hospitalar;
• Vivência no relacionamento com profissionais do segmento de saúde,com atenção especial corpo clinico;
• Vivência em negociações com operadoras e seguradoras de saúde;
• Experiência e familiaridade no uso de indicadores, análise de desempenho estratégico e operacional;
• Conhecimento de aspectos regulamentares do setor de saúde e hospitalar em particular;
• Experiência em análise econômico-financeira de projetos e empreendimentos.
São características importantes no perfil do candidato:
• Sensibilidade para entendimento, aceitação e disseminação da cultura da organização;
• Integridade e postura ética;
• Alto grau de liderança e de pro atividade;
• Compromisso com resultados e geração de valor para a auto sustentação;
• Proposições e decisões objetivas e eficazes, com foco em temas que agregam valor;
• Independência para propor, questionar e decidir com imparcialidade;
• Senso de urgência, capacidade e agilidade de realizações;
• Alta capacidade de argumentação e de negociação;
• Habilidade em ouvir e interagir com terceiros;
• Fácil comunicação oral e escrita;
• Disponibilidade e mobilidade para o trabalho e viagens.

Responsável pela área de operações da companhia interagindo com as áreas comercial,administrativa e financeira;
Responsável por dirigir toda área de operações logística no Brasil da companhia;
Habilidade em gerenciar novos projetos;
Conhecimento de técnicas e metodologias de processos de movimentação interna em Centros de Distribuição;
Alta capacidade técnica, capaz de formar e liderar equipes de alto desempenho;
Conhecimento de legislação de transporte e armazenagem de cargas;
Conhecimento de armazéns gerais, processos de importação e exportação;
Gestor de Pessoas.
Visão de negócios, capaz de participar de reuniões estratégicas.
Disponibilidade para viagens.
Inglês Fluente.
Pacote Atrativo.

A Parceira Solutions, assessorando Hospital de Grande porte em São Paulo, seleciona:

Gerente de Recursos Humanos

Imprescindível sólida experiência em todos os subsistemas de RH, principalmente na área de Saúde.

Missão do Cargo: desenvolver as estratégias e políticas de Recursos Humanos da empresa, gerenciando os seguintes processos: Administração de Pessoal, Remuneração e Benefícios, Treinamento e Desenvolvimento, Relações Trabalhistas e Recrutamento e Seleção.

Vaga corporativa para atuar em hospitais voltados para maternidade e obstetrícia.

Horário de trabalho: de segunda a quinta-feira das 8h às 18h, sexta das 8h às 17h.
Local de trabalho: São Paulo – SP.

Informar pretensão salarial.


A ABB é LÍDER EM TECNOLOGIA DE ENERGIA E AUTOMAÇÃO e seu objetivo é aprimorar a performance de seus clientes e reduzir os impactos ambientais. Atualmente a ABB possui cerca de 113.000 funcionários em torno de 100 países. A matriz encontra-se em Zurique na Suíça. No Brasil a ABB encontra-se nos seguintes locais: Betim-MG, Blumenau-SC, Camaçari-BA, Guarulhos-SP,Osasco-SP. Nos últimos anos a ABB conquistou o título de "UMA DAS MELHORES EMPRESAS PARA SE TRABALHAR" e hoje, sente-se satisfeita e orgulhosa por saber de seu interesse em tornar-se nosso colaborador.


Formação: Engenharias - preferencialmente Engenharia Elétrica/Eletrônica.
Idiomas: Inglês e Espanhol Fluentes.
Disponibilidade para viagens.
Atividades: Gerenciamento de grandes contas no mercado de engenharia elétrica e concessionárias de energia. Imprescindível possuir vivência em concorrências públicas e gestão de contas. Imprescindível conhecimento no mercado de setor elétrico brasileiro.
• Diferenciais ABB: Assistência Médica, Odontoprev, Seguro de Vida, Cooperativa de Crédito, Previdência Privada, Convênio Farmácia, Participação nos Resultados, Refeitório no local, ônibus fretado e estacionamento na ABB, auxílio creche para funcionárias, Clube com Academia, piscina, sauna, quadras poliesportivas, salão de jogos, vídeo locadora. Conta ainda com Serviço de Saúde e Odontológico na ABB, Fisioterapia e Terapia corporal, ocupacional, Psicológico, desconto em universidades e escolas de idiomas, para compra de carros, eletrodomésticos, eletroeletrônicos; promoção de programas culturais e de lazer, Cesta de Natal, brinquedo para as crianças (Natal), Máquinas de café, Infraestrutura na ABB com: Banco, caixas eletrônicos, cantina, lanchonete, etc;
• Oportunidades também para PCD (Pessoa Com Deficiência).

A Heineken Brasil está em busca de profissional para atuar como Diretor da Cervejaria na Cervejaria de Feira de Santana - BA.


Esta função é responsável pela gestão das atividades de Produção, Manutenção, Qualidade, RH, Logística, Administração e Relações com a Comunidade da Cervejaria de Feira de Santana visando atender requerimentos de qualidade, tempo de entrega, custos, diretrizes e procedimentos estabelecidos pela Heineken Brasil.

Principais atividades:
•Assegurar a disponibilidade de produtos de acordo com o planejado através da gestão de sistemas, indicadores de processo e resultados dos diversos departamentos da Cervejaria.

•Elaborar e assegurar o cumprimento do orçamento anual da unidade (despesas e investimentos), a partir do planejamento corporativo de produção, prevendo as necessidades de mão de obra, planos de manutenção, consumo de materiais (matérias-primas e embalagem), utilidades e demais despesas envolvidas na operação da Cervejaria.

•Maximizar a performance da Cervejaria nos aspectos de produtividade e redução de perdas através da utilização de metodologias apropriadas para cada oportunidade.

•Implementar e manter os padrões de qualidade dos produtos e da operação, através dos métodos e processos definidos pela organização.

•Assegurar o cumprimento das legislações municipal, estadual e federal nos aspectos tributários, sanitários, ambientais e trabalhistas através dos sistemas existentes, seguimento das não-conformidades e medidas preventivas.

Requisitos necessários:
•Sólida experiência em gestão de negócios e pessoas.

•Formação superior e especialização relacionada a administração empresarial.

•Inglês avançado.

•Desejável Formação Cervejeira.

•Experiência anterior no seguimento de bebidas será considerado um diferencial.

•Disponibilidade para residir em Feira de Santana - BA.

Diretor comercial

Empresa Contrata:

► Principais atividades:
Planejamento e prospecção de clientes,
Estratégias de prospecção, Analise de mercado,
Acompanhamento de vendas,
Demais atividades relacionadas à função.
► Escolaridade mínima:
Ensino superior completa Administração, Engenharia, TI, Marketing,Economia.
► Necessário:
Pacote Office intermediário;
Vasta experiência na função;
Disponibilidade de horários;
► Será considerado um diferencial:
Experiência anterior como Diretor Comercial.
Disponibilidade para residir em Cuiabá - MT
► Excelente remuneração e pacote de benefícios.

Reggiani Hunting Consultores Associados é uma organização voltada para soluções estratégicas na contratação de executivos e profissionais estratégicos. Atua no mercado desde 1991, atendendo a empresas nacionais e transnacionais. Dedica-se também ao desenvolvimento e implementação de programas de estagiários e trainees.
A empresa entende que cada cliente tem suas políticas e orientações próprias que requerem soluções diferenciadas, adequadas ao seu ambiente e ao seu ambiente empresarial.
Estamos buscando um profissional para a posição de:


EMPRESA: Entidade de Classe

LOCAL DE TRABALHO: Belo Horizonte - MG

POSIÇÃO HIERÁRQUICA: Subordinação ao Presidente

Administrar a associação, fazendo cumprir o seu Estatuto e as deliberações dos Órgãos de Administração, em consonância com o estatuto da filiada e da Associação Brasileira da classe.
Elaborar anualmente os Planos Financeiros, de Pessoal e de Atividades da Associação, obtendo aprovação da Diretoria e responsabilizando-se pelo seu cumprimento;
Fazer elaborar o Balanço Patrimonial do exercício concluído em 31 de dezembro de cada ano, até o dia 31 de janeiro do ano seguinte e encaminha-lo à Diretoria, após a obtenção do parecer do Conselho Fiscal;
Assistir e assessorar e secretariar as atividades das Assembleias Gerais, do Conselho Deliberativo e da Diretoria, mantendo sob sua guarda os arquivos gerais da Associação;
Administrar todo o patrimônio da associação e supervisionar todos os serviços de secretaria, financeiros, comerciais e administrativos, de um modo em geral;
Zelar pelo bom nome da Associação;
Dar divulgação e publicidade das atividades da associação;
Buscar parcerias que agregam valor ao associado;
Pesquisar novas tecnologias que possam interessar ao associado;
Executar serviços de redação e comunicação verbal, interna e externa;
Planejar e coordenar a realização de eventos em geral.
Formação Superior.
Desejável vivência em posição de gestão em entidades de classe, associações, instituições diversas ou empresas em geral.
Desejável conhecimento de setor atacadista e distribuidor.
Conhecimento de Pacote Office.
Ser ponderado (a),
Saber ouvir,
Interessado (a)
Comprometido (a) com a entidade e associados.
Ter facilidade em solucionar conflitos.
Falar bem em público, ser comunicativo (a).

Futurestep is the global industry leader in high-impact recruitment solutions; offering fully customized, flexible strategies to help organizations meet specific workforce needs. Our clients turn to us for proven expertise, a global process and infrastructure, proprietary competency models, innovative sourcing strategies, and a unique approach to measure and optimize business impact.

Human Resources Manager - Labor Relations

Key responsibilities are as follows:
Generate polices and procedures to attend Brazilian legislation
Accomplish with all legal requirements, administers personal activities and documentation, keep deep control on legal documents to attend legal and SOX procedures
Interface with Union Representatives in all matters regarding Labor Relations and negotiation of agreements.
Manage the control all Labor claims, supporting the attorneys in preparation of the defense; attend with the attorneys the audiences, evaluate with the support of the attorney the level of accruals for each labor claim
Keep close relation with plant leaders to assure a satisfactory internal organizational climate
Develop programs and tools aim a deep employee involvement in the Co. initiatives and programs
Support management team in the implementation of polices and procedures
Administer benefits plans
Responsible for salary administration
Administer HR services providers (Security, cafeteria, medical service, and others)
Develop action plan to address issues from the result of Global Survey
Coordinate de training programs according to annual training requirements
Identify key people and new talents and develop a career plan to present to Steering Committee
Manage recruitment and selection of candidates (external or Internal-job posting)
Represents Albéa in Municipality Authorities, Employers Organization, Union,
Support management in reorganization initiatives
Main Skills & Experience
Knowledge / Degree: Graduated in Business Administration, Law degree, Psychology
Experience working in various departments of Human Resources, preferable in multinational companies
Proficiency in Labour laws and labour legislation
Demonstrated proficiency in English – oral and written
Proficiency in MS Office

Desired Skills & Experience
Experience in Fragrance, Cosmetics, Tubes, Metallization, Paint, Packaging and industries.
Mogi das Cruzes - SP

Gerente de Relacionamento de Parceiros
Nc games - São Paulo e Região, Brasil
Descrição da vaga

Planejar e supervisionar as atividades de compras dos produtos comercializados pelo empresa, visando a manutenção do suprimento de um mix de produtos que atendam as necessidades dos clientes e os objetivos e políticas da empresa em termos de giro, margens de lucro e utilização de recursos financeiros. Definir os parâmetros para as negociações ou negociar diretamente com fornecedores as bases e condições para o fornecimento, visando a aquisição de produtos com preços e condições competitivos. Realizar visitas técnicas a fornecedores atuais e fuuros e desenvolver fontes alternativas de suprimento, visando assegurar a continuidade de fornecimento dos produtos comercializados. Selecionar o mix de produtos, acompanhando as tendências e necessidades do mercado, sempre em sintonia com as políticas da empresa na área de marketing/ vendas.
Competências e experiências desejadas

Imprescíndivel ter inglês fluente, experiência no mercado de varejo.e negociações internacionais.
Descrição da empresa

The biggest latin america games distributor.
Informações adicionais

Publicado:20 de julho de 2012Tipo: Tempo integral Experiência: Pleno-sênior Funções: Marketing Setores: Entretenimento Código da vaga:3427552

Gerente Regional de Vendas
TalentFlux - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (Rio de Janeiro e Região, Brasil)
Descrição da vaga

Acompanhamento no desempenho de vendas da regional composta por mais de 10 lojas. Responsável pela qualidade da venda de acordo com indicadores do mercado financeiro. Manter o bem desempenho e a motivação de sua equipe direta (supervisores comerciais) e indireta (promotores). Responsável pelo treinamento de qualidade, de produtos e de gestão da equipe. Fará a gestão das lojas que se localizam no município de atuação, sendo assim, será necessário deslocar-se entre as lojas para acompanhamento. Ter carro próprio será um diferencial.
Competências e experiências desejadas

Experiência em gestão de equipe comercial de loja.
Experiência em gestão rede de lojas
Descrição da empresa

Pioneira em Recruitment Process Outsourcing no Brasil.
Informações adicionais

Publicado:20 de julho de 2012Tipo: Tempo integral Experiência: Pleno-sênior Funções: Vendas Setores: Serviços financeiros, Varejo, Bancos Remuneração:Acima da média de mercadoCódigo da vaga:3427670

Associate Director - Institutional Development (based in San Jose, Costa Rica)
Habitat for Humanity International - San Jose (Brasil)
Descrição da vaga

Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI) is currently seeking a seasoned professional to serve as the Associate Director of Institutional Development (ID.) This key position is responsible for management of the program development team, reports directly to the Director Institutional Development and also acts on behalf of the Director, as assigned. The program development team is responsible for coordinating Latin America/Caribbean Area Office (LAC-AO) support and services toward the growth and development of the existing Habitat national programs in the region, consistent with HFHI standards and strategic goals towards sustainably serving more families. The position will be based in San Jose, Costa Rica and may involve up to 30% travel throughout the region.

At the same time, this position will contribute to the development and implementation of strategies to strengthen programmatic and management capacities in the LAC-AO and Habitat network. The ID program development team acts as the first point of contact between HFHI and country programs in the field and enables strategic and innovative program expansion through healthy organizational growth, effective consultation on strategic management operational implementation.


Works closely with Area Vice President and AO Directors to determine, apply and monitor HFHI and LAC strategic directions and targets in the LAC-AO and HFH national programs
Manages and seeks continual improvement of Institutional Development department's program development function with respect to effective & efficient coordination of Area Office support and services to Habitat national programs (national organizations and branches)
Supervises and provide leadership and direction to ID program development team including program development managers and process analysts
Facilitates development of strategic and operational plans for national programs in alignment with LAC and HFHI global Strategic plan
Supports the project management and resource development functions to development and respond to fundraising opportunities including grant proposals
Manages HFH personnel in assigned countries where applicable
Serves as coordination link between HFHI (HQ, LAC Area Office, LAC Area Specialists) and as assigned, in-country organizations / partners
Competências e experiências desejadas

Master's Degree (preferably in Development or a business related program)
Between 6-10 years' experience
Solid knowledge and experience in the field of NGOs, development, governance
Knowledge and experience in project design, management and Business modeling skills
Operational and financial management skills a must
Board development skills and capacity
Qualitative and quantitative analytical skills
Coaching/consultancy/advisory skills
Human resources management skill and knowledge
Fluent in English and Spanish (both spoken and written); knowledge of French or Portuguese preferred
Understanding of and working experience in the Latin America and Caribbean region as well as its cultural/social/political environment
Excellent interpersonal skills, including negotiation and management through influence
Ability to work independently and without close supervision
Descrição da empresa

In 1979, Habitat for Humanity opened its doors in Guatemala, the first country in Latin America and the second country outside of the United States (after the Democratic Republic of Congo). Some thirty years later, some 30,000 houses have been built in Guatemala and the organization has touched the lives of many people across the region.

From any point of view, Habitat for Humanity in Latin America and the Caribbean is a story of success. More than 100,000 families, in over 20 countries, have been served in the region.

Habitat for Humanity International is a non-profit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry. The purpose and goal of Habitat for Humanity International is to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world, and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action. Habitat invites people of all backgrounds, races and religions to build houses in partnership with families in need. Habitat for Humanity is a global, non-profit ministry where our employees build futures and lives.

Keywords: Program, programmatic, Development, Institutional, strategy, strategies, organization, organizational, manager, management, director, supervisor, governance, NGO, nonprofit, nonprofits, qualitative, quantitative, analytic, Latin, America, Caribbean, cultural, social, political,
Informações adicionais

Publicado:18 de julho de 2012Tipo: Tempo integral Experiência: Pleno-sênior Funções: Gestão de projetos, Estratégia/Planejamento, Financeiro Setores: Gestão de organização sem fins lucrativos, Construção, Comércio e desenvolvimento international Código da vaga:3402772

Marketing Director (Diretor de Marketing)
SCA Americas - Sao Paulo, Brazil (Brasil)
Descrição da vaga

SCA Americas South American business is currently searching for a Marketing Director (Diretor de Marketing) for our offices in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The Marketing Director must have a proven track record in strategic planning and marketing, market research, product development and branding. This person should have experience interfacing with product development personnel on a regular basis. We would expect the perfect candidate to have at least 8-10 years of experience as a marketer and/or product manager. This role is ideal for someone who wants to be a change agent in a company that manufactures market leading products.


The Marketing Director develops and helps drive the innovative vision, aggressive plans and strategic direction of the company's marketing efforts to build on and achieve continued market dominance. Additionally, the Director Marketing will:
Develop long-range strategic plans for assigned product lines and presents to Management for approval.
Prepares annual marketing plans and budgets to include; projected market share, sales volume, pricing, merchandising, promotional programs as well as departmental spending plans.
Provides direction to the new product development process.
Supply the desired marketing objectives related to performance, features, competitive, pricing, cost targets and anticipated volume.
Develops Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for key programs and associated measurement approaches to gauge success during the year.
Provides "Return on Investment" justification for marketing programs as appropriate.
Interacts with customers and consumers to fully understand opportunities for improvements to current products and for new products.
Initiates market research activities as necessary, to facilitate effective marketing planning activities and new product development
Manages the company's product category, ensuring that new products, line extensions and all company messages work in concert to protect and build brand equity. Identifies and develops new markets for new and existing products supported by appropriate market research; leads the planning process, and gives clear direction to its development.
Partners with Sales team to develop marketing strategies and programs to ensure that original equipment manufacturers, retailers, distributors, dealers and the sales force are well-equipped to achieve sales goals.
Directs the advertising agency and other marketing service and communication agencies to ensure all approved communications reflect identified brand strategies.
Perform other essential responsibilities as deemed necessary.
Competências e experiências desejadas

University degree in the area of Business Administration, Marketing, Engineering or a related field required
Minimum of Five (5) years experience with a Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Company
LANGUAGE: Portuguese native speaker required. Fluency in English required. Spanish is a plus
Experience providing strategic and creative marketing leadership for a strongly branded and product-driven building products or consumer goods manufacturing company.
Have sufficient technical skills to execute new product development projects in a manufacturing and engineering environment.
Must possess a thorough business understanding from demand creation through fulfillment and customer relationship management.
Experience bringing new products to market and capitalizing on new market opportunities successfully.
Have demonstrated success in marketing to multiple channels including original equipment manufacturers, retail and wholesale distribution.
Have sufficient technical skills to execute new product development projects in a manufacturing and engineering environment.
Possess a global perspective on business with exposure to and familiarity with international marketing.
To Apply: Please submit a resume and cover letter following the application instructions included in this website. SCA is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer, M/F/D/V.
Descrição da empresa

SCA's Americas business unit encompasses the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central America, South America and the Caribbean. SCA Americas manufactures innovative hygiene products including tissue, feminine care, baby and incontinence products. Sales are conducted in 100 countries and in 2011 sales numbers were approximately $16.5 billion. SCA has about 44,000 employees. For more information visit,,, or

Sustainability has been at the core of SCA's operations since the company started more than 75 years ago. SCA has earned recognition for its sustainable and ethical practices, including being named as "one of the world's most ethical companies" by the Ethisphere Institute for the last five years.
Informações adicionais

Publicado:17 de julho de 2012Tipo: Tempo integral Experiência: Diretor Funções: Marketing, Gerenciamento, Estratégia/Planejamento Setores: Bens de consumo, Atendimento médico e hospitalar, Marketing e publicidade Código da vaga do empregador:SCA6675Código da vaga:3401151


Regional Director / Business Development
ETAP Automation - Brazil (Brasil)
Descrição da vaga

Regional Director / Business Development (Brazil)
Position Summary
ETAP is looking for a Regional Business Development Manager to assist in establishing a regional headquarters in Brazil in support of the company's business development activities in the region.
Job Description
Manage the Brazil HQ office
Provide technical sales presentations on ETAP system in conjunction with field sales to existing and prospective clients
Participate in the proposal development and proposal writing and in the closing process with the customer on technical products & services
Develop, own and execute a business relationship plan for each assigned partner
Make regular customer and prospect visits to develop relationships and follow up on leads to establish long-term, ongoing repeat relationships
Represent the company at tradeshows and conferences through booth participation and delivering papers
Responsible for achieving the assigned sales quota and managing sales efforts within Brazil, and surrounding regions
Develop, execute, and own business relationships
Develop sales and marketing proposals for customers on technical products & services
Maintain up-to-date awareness of activities, industry trends & government regulations in assigned countries
Provide necessary reports requested by management in a timely manner
Communicate with co-workers, management, clients, vendors, and others in a courteous and professional manner
Able to respond to functional, technical, and commercial elements of RFIs/RFPs
Able to convey customer requirements to Product Management teams
Other duties as assigned
Competências e experiências desejadas

Job Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
7+ years international selling experience in high-tech or service related industry
Must be bilingual English/Portuguese
Proven track record of consistently exceeding corporate objectives and quotas
Experience of financial and commercial contract negotiations
Good business acumen with the ability to understanding industry dynamics, the competitive environment and customer business drivers
Strong presentation, communication, organization, and time management skills
Self driven, motivated and results oriented
Previous work experience in an international business environment
Ability to travel both domestically and internationally
Strong work ethic and high level of integrity and discipline
Familiarity with system automation and control is a plus
Familiarity with ETAP software is a plus
Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering / power system degree (preferred)
Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering is a plus
Descrição da empresa

ETAP Automation is strategic partner of Operation Technology, Inc. (designers and developers of ETAP software - ETAP Automation offers value-added engineering consulting, technical support, and system integration for ETAP software and complementary solutions.

For additional information about our company, please visit us at
Informações adicionais

Publicado:19 de julho de 2012Tipo: Tempo integral Experiência: Pleno-sênior Funções: Marketing, Negócios em geral, Vendas Setores: Petróleo e energia, Softwares, Serviços públicos Código da vaga:3420945

Brazil Director
Human Rights Watch - Sao Paulo (Brasil)
Descrição da vaga

Human Rights Watch seeks a Brazil Director to oversee the work of its new office in Sao Paulo, contribute to the organization's human rights advocacy and policy work, and serve as the organization's principal representative in Brazil. Reporting to the Executive Director of the Americas Division, the Brazil Director will serve as the public face of HRW and act as the organization's central link to the media, government, civil society and public in Brazil. The Brazil Director will be expected to promote HRW's agenda on both foreign policy issues as well as domestic. The Brazil Director will be responsible for supporting HRW's fundraising and outreach work within Brazil. S/he will also help coordinate research on local human rights problems.

During the initial training and probationary period, which will last at minimum six months, the Director will be based in New York, and travel repeatedly to Brazil; after successful completion of the training and evaluation period, s/he will be based in Sao Paulo.

The successful candidate will have to be prepared to spend an initial orientation period of a few months in New York or Washington D.C.; after successful completion of the training and evaluation period, s/he will be based in Sao Paulo.

Salary and Benefits: Human Rights Watch seeks exceptional candidates and offers competitive compensation and generous employer-paid benefits. HRW will pay reasonable relocation expenses and will assist employees in obtaining necessary work authorization, if required; citizens of all nationalities are encouraged to apply.

PLEASE APPLY IMMEDIATELY (no calls or email inquiries, please) by emailing together a letter of interest, resume, references, salary requirements and a brief writing sample (unedited by others) in English to Please use "Brazil Director Ref AME-11-1039-A" as the subject of your email. Only complete applications will be reviewed. It is preferred that all materials be submitted via email. If emailing is not possible, send materials (please do not split a submission between email and regular post) to:

Human Rights Watch
Attn: Search Committee (Brazil Director Ref AME-11-1039-A)
350 Fifth Avenue, 34th Floor
New York, NY 10118
Fax: (212) 736-1300

Human Rights Watch is an equal opportunity employer that does not discriminate in its hiring practices and, in order to build the strongest possible workforce, actively seeks a diverse applicant pool.

The Americas Division of Human Rights Watch (formerly Americas Watch) was established in 1981 to monitor human rights throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.
Competências e experiências desejadas

The successful applicant should have significant senior-level policy, press or advocacy experience. An advanced degree in law, international relations, journalism and/or a related field in the social sciences is required, as is experience in human rights work. Portuguese and English fluency are essential, as is extensive experience living or working in Brazil. Applicants must have a demonstrated commitment to human rights, strong initiative and follow-through, the capacity to think creatively and strategically, excellent writing and editing skills, dynamic public speaking ability, and the ability to work quickly and effectively under pressure with a broad range of people and as part of a team. Extensive knowledge of the Brazilian media and the Brazilian government's decision-making processes is essential.
Descrição da empresa

Human Rights Watch is one of the world's leading independent organizations dedicated to defending and protecting human rights. By focusing international attention where human rights are violated, we give voice to the oppressed and hold oppressors accountable for their crimes. Our rigorous, objective investigations and strategic, targeted advocacy build intense pressure for action and raise the cost of human rights abuse. For 30 years, Human Rights Watch has worked tenaciously to lay the legal and moral groundwork for deep-rooted change and has fought to bring greater justice and security to people around the world.
Informações adicionais

Publicado:16 de julho de 2012Tipo: Tempo integral Experiência: Diretor Funções: Outro Setores: Pesquisa Código da vaga:3393109

Sr. Marketing Manager
Expedia - BRAZIL - Sao Paulo (São Paulo e Região, Brasil)
Descrição da vaga

Position Overview:

The Expedia Canada / Latin America Team is currently seeking a Sr. Marketing Manager who will be responsible for the overall planning and execution of consumer marketing programs for, and Working closely with the Director of Marketing, Latin America, this key role encompasses many varied aspects of consumer marketing to achieve customer acquisition and top of funnel targets.


Managing off-line media, including the development and recommendation of media objectives, strategies and comprehensive media plans. Optimizing plans based on business performance and data analysis.
Managing promotional marketing, including the development and execution of a series of promotions that support the overall promotion calendar.
Managing public relations on the Expedia Latin America brands. Setting the overall strategy and developing plans with our external agency, as well as, implementing these plans to deliver on media impression and communication targets.
Championing a consumer-centric view of the business based on research and data
Analyzing and optimizing marketing effectiveness using various data sources including customer data, site metrics and research. Have a continuous improvement mind set.

Managing agency relationships across markets in Latin America


Fluent Portuguese and English. Spanish preferred
An ability to work effectively in a complex environment with a diverse range of responsibilities. Able to determine what is important and to stay focused while driving to completion.
A demonstrated ability to build strong relationships internally and externally to ensure that programs run with maximum efficiency and support.
Experience executing integrated campaigns and measuring results across markets.
Strong analytical and communication skills.
Ability to embrace creativity, innovation and is open to new ideas.
Innovates to improve marketing effectiveness and pushes new thinking forward.

Work Experience and Education Guidelines:

A minimum of 5-7 years experience in marketing across LatAm markets, including experience working on large advertised brands
Bachelor's degree, MBA a plus.

Core Competencies:

A proven ability to consistently deliver outstanding results by setting goals, being proactive and effective management of business processes
Effectively plans, budgets, tracks and evaluates performance
Shares information in a timely fashion and enthusiastically collects input from others.
Is an honest, trustworthy, valued team member and actively involved in achieving team objectives
A strong passion to meet customer expectations.
Ability to enter the customer's world through listening, analyzing and understanding
Ability to work independently or experience working remotely.
Must be fluent in Portuguese and English. Spanish is also preferred.

About Expedia, Inc.

Our mission is to revolutionize travel through the power of technology.

Collectively, the Expedia, Inc. brands cover virtually every aspect of researching, planning, and booking travel, from choosing the best airplane seat, to reading personal travel reviews of hotels, to planning what to do in a destination once you arrive. The Expedia, Inc. portfolio serves both leisure and business travelers with tastes and budgets ranging from modest to luxury. Expedia delivers consumer travel demand from nearly every continent to nearly 149,000 hotels and hundreds of airlines, tour operators, car rental companies and destination services supply partners. Please visit to learn more about our travel brands.

This employer participates in E-Verify. The employer will provide the Social Security Administration (SSA) and, if necessary, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with information from each new employee's I-9 to confirm work authorization.

Informações adicionais

Publicado:20 de julho de 2012Tipo: Tempo integral Experiência: Pleno-sênior Funções: Marketing Setores: Softwares, Tecnologia da informação e serviços, Lazer, viagens e turismo Código da vaga do empregador:21460Código da vaga:3422234


Software Sr Project Manager
Invensys - São Paulo, BR-SP (São Paulo e Região, Brasil)
Descrição da vaga

Invensys Operations Management is a global technology, software and consulting organization leading significant change in process manufacturing, plant optimization, business operations and enterprise performance. We do this by helping our customers to take advantage of manufacturing and business operations. Our solutions help to automate plants and facilities and allow a wide range of personnel to receive and respond to changes in conditions more quickly and effectively, and thereby keep their operations running efficiently and safely. Primary customer industries include Refining and Petrochemicals, Upstream Oil and Gas, Pharmaceuticals and Fine Chemicals, and Power and Utilities.

Our market-leading solutions include Foxboro® field devices and control systems, Triconex® safety systems, SimSci-Esscor™ simulation and optimization applications and Avantis® enterprise asset management. Wonderware® software transforms data into vital plant information to enable our customers to keep their operations synchronized with their business objectives. Our Eurotherm® portfolio of products provides control and automation solutions to help customers to meet statutory regulations, and IMServ® carbon and energy solutions improve energy efficiency, cut costs and help to make businesses sustainable. Tying these systems and solutions together is the InFusion™ system, the world's first truly open enterprise system.

We currently have an excellent opportunity for a Senior Project Manager for Advanced Applications to join our organization in São Paulo, Brazil, reporting directly to the Latin America Software Bussiness Director.

Under the new Software Business there, and the Global Delivery Organization, which is focused in delivering Advanced Applications projects, MES projects , and other Consulting Services, this person will be the Software Delivery Leader, who will work together with the existing Delivery Teams, to help the Latin America region in market develping and achieving the expected targets. Also is expected that the person will help the organization to have a systematic approach to building and sharing best practices, and skills within each specific knowledge of the Software Business.

Principal Duties and Responsibilities:
Oversees the execution and completion of customer projects

Manages people who lead projects supporting the company-client relationship, ensuring customer satisfaction

Provides budget analysis, labor planning, and coordination of activities between client and company personnel

Monitors project completion from initiation through delivery to meet revenue and cost projections

Oversees performance of the installation and client acceptance of capitalized equipment, enterprise software systems, or system integration projects or engagements

Serves as mediator to internal issues and conflicting priorities for members of cross-functional teams focused on the delivery of new or existing solutions to clients

Selects, develops, and evaluates personnel to ensure the efficient operation of the function

Essential Requirements:

A seasoned, experienced professional with a full understanding of area of Project Management; resolves a wide range of issues in creative ways. Broad application experience with majority of SOFTWARE solutions and products. Extensive knowledge of Softwares - Advanced Applications MES projects. Identify assess and resolve unique business, commercial, and technical risks associated with assigned projects. Responsible for preparation of new order reviews, transfer report analysis, monthly status reports, manpower loading reports and close-out notices. Establishes project schedule and cost budgets and is responsible for all financial activity associated with the project. Where discrepancies exist, the project manager communicates this to the senior management for resolution. Responsible for initiating following through on all invoicing. Establishes post order service support and training requirements as well as initiates spare parts recommendations

Experience and Education:
Engineering Degree is preferred

Demonstrated diversified leadership, planning, communication, organization, and people motivation skills

Degree with numerical and/or technical content related to finance/economics is required

Professional experience in similar position

Prior Management experience on Software and Automation projects are required

Strong knowledgement of PMI/PMBOK Methodologies

PMP Certificate is preferred

Other Requirements:
Strong working knowledge of the cultures and labor environments in the Latin American countries where we do business

Proficiency in written/spoken Portuguese, English and Spanish

As part of our team, you'll build a strong career with a collaborative, knowledgeable team of people. We'll challenge you to think differently to achieve your goals. You'll have easy access to senior management, leading thinkers, and colleagues around the world. In addition to competitive salaries and inclusive benefits, we offer global career opportunities and travel to new places to inspire fresh, new thinking. We believe in rewarding and recognizing risk-taking and creativity. We also promote a healthy work-life balance as essential for your personal growth. Invensys Operations Management is an equal employer. We welcome applications from all candidates of sex, sexual orientation, religion or physical disability.

Further information on this role please contact Talisson Nascimento –

Informações adicionais

Publicado:19 de julho de 2012Tipo: Tempo integral Experiência: Associado Funções: Engenharia, Tecnologia da informação, Gestão de projetos Setores: Hardwares, Softwares, Automação industrial Remuneração:0Código da vaga do empregador:1201190Código da vaga:3419750

Sales Director - South America
Datacolor - San Paulo (Brasil)
Descrição da vaga

As part of our Sales Leadership team, we are looking to recruit a Sales Director for South America. The role offers an exciting leadership development opportunity for a self-starter to work in a dynamic environment and shape the future growth of the company. For a high achiever we offer an exciting career development opportunity in a global environment, combined with a competitive compensation and benefits package.
Position Summary:
The Sales Director – SA is responsible for providing strategic and operational leadership to the South America regional sales organizations. The candidate will be responsible for delivering best in class sales performance and company expansion in these key markets. The Regional Director will be accountable for implementing strategies that drive revenue growth, profitability, and market development in line with company vision and values. The preferred role location is in San Paulo, Brazil.
Reports To:

VP Sales and Support – Datacolor


This role will perform, but is not limited to the following responsibilities:

-Develops a commercial strategy and annual sales plan for the SA market that meets and exceed company sales goals and profitability objectives
-Provides comprehensive monthly analysis and reporting of regional sales performance vs. quarterly and annual budget and appropriate action plans to meet and exceed deliverables
-Provides regional leadership on go to market plans for new products
-Responsible for the recruitment, training, performance management, and development of the SA Sales organization (own employees and agents)
-Coordinates sales operations with all other departments of the Company
-Ensure sales organization develops, maintains and improves business relations with all customers of the Company.
-Seeks out and targets new customers and new sales opportunities, initiates action plan to approach and secure new business for the Company.
-Initiates and coordinates development of market development plans to penetrate new markets
-Assists in the development and implementation of marketing plans
-Provides timely feedback to senior management regarding market performance
-Maintains accurate records of all pricings, sales, and activity reports submitted by Account Executives
-Coaches Account Executives in preparation of proposals and presentations
-Controls expenses to meet budget guidelines
-Adheres to all company policies, procedures and business ethics codes and ensures that they are communicated and implemented within the team
-Expert with or similar sales automation software
-Exceptional management skills in developing and executing sophisticated sales strategies, tactics, plans and programs

Mastery of sales metrics and optimization of sales teams
Competências e experiências desejadas

Experience & Qualifications:
-Bachelor degree in a business related field (Preferred)
-5-7 years+ of experience in Regional Sales Management roles
-Business to business and business to consumer sales experience (B2B experience is a must, B2C is preferred)
-Experience in the color management industry (Preferred)
-Other target adjacent industries (Analytical instruments/software, measuring equipment, B2B industrial products)
-Strong understanding of customer and market dynamics and requirements
-Willingness to travel and work in a global team of professionals
-Proven leadership ability to drive sales growth
-Outstanding sales management skills
-Strong executive presence with a C-level mentality
-Marketing knowledge and experience (a preference)
-Proven ability to recruit and motivate a world class sales team
-Demonstrated ability to develop & implement a successful growth strategy
-Strong executive communication and influencing skills
-Completer finisher with a strong say/do ratio
business and analytical skills
-Experience with or a similar CRM tool
-Working knowledge of Spanish and Portuguese
Descrição da empresa

Datacolor is a global leader in color management solutions and color communication technology. The world's leading brands, manufacturers, creative professionals and consumers, have been choosing Datacolor's innovative technology and solutions to consistently achieve the right color for 37 years. A Swiss-held company, Datacolor's global presence encompasses a sales, service and support network serving customers in more than 65 countries throughout Europe, the Americas and Asia, along with 13 worldwide operation and production facilities. This combination has given the company an intimate understanding of its core markets and how they depend on color, thus allowing Datacolor to provide cost-effective solutions to manage color globally throughout its customers' workflows – enabling them to realize their vision, save time, improve quality, reduce costs, and excite their customers.

Industries served include apparel and textile, paint and coatings, automotive, plastics, photography, digital imaging, home theater, ink, printing, paper, leather and others.

In supply chains, Datacolor's award-winning technology electronically controls and communicates color between retailers, manufacturers and suppliers. Offerings include complete computerized systems for color measuring, matching, quality control and communication to industries who must manage color accurately from design through production and marketing.

In manufacturing, Datacolor improves efficiency and competitiveness with fast, accurate color matching, color testing and color communication.

In digital imaging, Datacolor provides leading-edge, affordable solutions for monitor and printer calibration. These solutions allow serious photographers, creative professionals, and home entertainment specialists to achieve the optimum color experience in all their media.
Informações adicionais

Publicado:17 de julho de 2012Tipo: Tempo integral Experiência: Diretor Funções: Vendas Setores: Indústria têxtil, Manufatura de eletroeletrônicos Código da vaga:3236371


IT Application & Process Manager
Manpower Specialist - São Paulo Area, Brazil (São Paulo e Região, Brasil)
Descrição da vaga

Main Duty: The person will be part of the IT Team. He/she will operate in São Paulo to support all IT activities and projects in both Experimental (raw coffee company).
enable the use of the global IT application portfolio of Company (JDE, Business Object, Hyperion) and assure its adherence to the Brazilian business processes and fiscal/legal requirements;
support the use of the IT infrastructure and enable office automation through the use of a local provider for PC, printers configuration following the Company standard guidelines;
manage local contacts of global IT providers to support management of Company corporate IT infrastructure (e.g. data center, mail, WAN, security, antivirus, standardization);
be involved in IT support and projects of all the Company environment;
manage the tool for IT Service Desk.
He/She will report to the Corporate IT and will work in conjunction with the local Finance Director interacting with all the local users.
Competências e experiências desejadas

Education: Degree in Computer Science, Management Engineering or equivalent.
Experience: 10 - 12 year of experience (either in consultancy or in an international company operating in Brazil as a subsidiary).
Technical & Soft Skills:
result oriented,
ability to manage change,
organizational skills,
ability to work in team,
ability to work remotely,
knowledge of Brazilian fiscal law and requirements impacts on IT system,
knowledge of main Finance, Sales and Inventory process,
knowledge of JDE and its data structure,
master data definition (better if linked to JDE),
good knowledge of English,
ability to analyze and define entity/relationship models,
knowledge of reporting system (better Business Objects),
knowledge of SQL language,
technique of integration of different systems.
Descrição da empresa

ManpowerGroup the world leader in innovative workforce solutions, creates and delivers high-impact solutions that enable our clients to achieve their business goals and enhance their competitiveness. With over 60 years of experience, our $22 billion company creates unique time to value through a comprehensive suite of innovative solutions that help clients win in the Human Age. These solutions cover an entire range of talent-driven needs from recruitment and assessment, training and development, and career management, to outsourcing and workforce consulting. ManpowerGroup maintains the world's largest and industry-leading network of nearly 3,900 offices in over 80 countries and territories, generating a dynamic mix of an unmatched global footprint with valuable insight and local expertise to meet the needs of its 400,000 clients per year, across all industry sectors, small and medium-sized enterprises, local, multinational and global companies.

We are looking for a IT Manager to a FMCG company.
Informações adicionais

Publicado:20 de julho de 2012Tipo: Tempo integral Experiência: Pleno-sênior Funções: Tecnologia da informação Setores: Recursos humanos Código da vaga:3420838


Diretor Administrativo Financeiro
Empresa multinacional de grande porte do setor agro com grandes investimentos no Brasil - São Paulo e Região, Brasil
Descrição da vaga

Principais responsabilidades:
- Gestão completa da área Administrativo-Financeira e representação da empresa perante o mercado e seus acionistas internacionais;
Competências e experiências desejadas

Principais desafios:
- Avaliação, redesenho e reestruturação da equipe em busca do melhor modelo que atenda às necessidades da empresa e de seus acionistas;
- Implantação de processos administrativo-financeiros que visem agilidade, organização e melhores resultados;
- Aproximação da área administrativo-financeira das demais áreas da empresa, colocando-a como facilitadora, apoiadora e controladora para garantir os melhores resultados;
- Foco nas áreas de tesouraria, principalmente através do relacionamento com instituições financeiras, e controladoria e reporting, principalmente garantido o acompanhamento dos principais indicadores do negócio para a tomada de decisões gerenciais e informe aos acionistas.
Dirigir as atividades pertinentes ao departamento financeiro (contas a pagar, contar a receber) e atividades da contabilidade geral (fiscal, contábil, orçamentos e custos) buscando a otimização de resultados. financeiro em empresas. Vivência na elaboração de planejamento estratégico e gestão orçamentária;
Inglês Fluente
Descrição da empresa

Empresa multinacional de grande porte do setor agro com grandes investimentos no Brasil.
Informações adicionais

Publicado:17 de julho de 2012Tipo: Tempo integral Experiência: Diretor Funções: Financeiro, Administração Setores: Bens de consumo, Indústria química, Indústria farmacêutica Código da vaga:3402258


Gerente de Vendas Sênior - Técnico Industria Química
Busco para Multinacional Química Gerente de Vendas Sênior (Técnico) com experiência em atendimento ao Mercado Automotivo. Formação em Engenharia com Inglês Fluente. A empresa está localizada no Estado de SP. Interessados encaminhar cv para
MArketing Director (Diretor de Marketing)
SCA Americas - Sao Paulo, Brazil (Brasil)
Descrição da vaga

SCA Americas South American business is currently searching for a Marketing Director (Diretor de Marketing) for our offices in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The Marketing Director must have a proven track record in strategic planning and marketing, market research, product development and branding. This person should have experience interfacing with product development personnel on a regular basis. We would expect the perfect candidate to have at least 8-10 years of experience as a marketer and/or product manager. This role is ideal for someone who wants to be a change agent in a company that manufactures market leading products.


The Marketing Director develops and helps drive the innovative vision, aggressive plans and strategic direction of the company's marketing efforts to build on and achieve continued market dominance. Additionally, the Director Marketing will:
Develop long-range strategic plans for assigned product lines and presents to Management for approval.
Prepares annual marketing plans and budgets to include; projected market share, sales volume, pricing, merchandising, promotional programs as well as departmental spending plans.
Provides direction to the new product development process.
Supply the desired marketing objectives related to performance, features, competitive, pricing, cost targets and anticipated volume.
Develops Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for key programs and associated measurement approaches to gauge success during the year.
Provides "Return on Investment" justification for marketing programs as appropriate.
Interacts with customers and consumers to fully understand opportunities for improvements to current products and for new products.
Initiates market research activities as necessary, to facilitate effective marketing planning activities and new product development
Manages the company's product category, ensuring that new products, line extensions and all company messages work in concert to protect and build brand equity. Identifies and develops new markets for new and existing products supported by appropriate market research; leads the planning process, and gives clear direction to its development.
Partners with Sales team to develop marketing strategies and programs to ensure that original equipment manufacturers, retailers, distributors, dealers and the sales force are well-equipped to achieve sales goals.
Directs the advertising agency and other marketing service and communication agencies to ensure all approved communications reflect identified brand strategies.
Perform other essential responsibilities as deemed necessary.
Competências e experiências desejadas

University degree in the area of Business Administration, Marketing, Engineering or a related field required
Minimum of Five (5) years experience with a Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Company
LANGUAGE: Portuguese native speaker required. Fluency in English required. Spanish is a plus
Experience providing strategic and creative marketing leadership for a strongly branded and product-driven building products or consumer goods manufacturing company.
Have sufficient technical skills to execute new product development projects in a manufacturing and engineering environment.
Must possess a thorough business understanding from demand creation through fulfillment and customer relationship management.
Experience bringing new products to market and capitalizing on new market opportunities successfully.
Have demonstrated success in marketing to multiple channels including original equipment manufacturers, retail and wholesale distribution.
Have sufficient technical skills to execute new product development projects in a manufacturing and engineering environment.
Possess a global perspective on business with exposure to and familiarity with international marketing.
To Apply: Please submit a resume and cover letter following the application instructions included in this website. SCA is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer, M/F/D/V.
Descrição da empresa

SCA's Americas business unit encompasses the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central America, South America and the Caribbean. SCA Americas manufactures innovative hygiene products including tissue, feminine care, baby and incontinence products. Sales are conducted in 100 countries and in 2011 sales numbers were approximately $16.5 billion. SCA has about 44,000 employees. For more information visit,,, or

Sustainability has been at the core of SCA's operations since the company started more than 75 years ago. SCA has earned recognition for its sustainable and ethical practices, including being named as "one of the world's most ethical companies" by the Ethisphere Institute for the last five years.
Informações adicionais

Publicado:17 de julho de 2012Tipo: Tempo integral Experiência: Diretor Funções: Marketing, Gerenciamento, Estratégia/Planejamento Setores: Bens de consumo, Atendimento médico e hospitalar, Marketing e publicidade Código da vaga do empregador:SCA6675Código da vaga:3401151

Meu cliente, empresa de grande porte nacional, busca identificar no mercado:
Profissional será responsável pela gestão de categorias de produtos, segmentação de lojas e gestão de preços. Definir o sortimento de produtos e as políticas comerciais a serem aplicadas a cada grupo de lojas, considerando as características de cada mercado.
Residir em São Paulo, com disponibilidade de viagens.
Os interessados deverão enviar email para
Gerente de Contrato/Engenharia
Profissional com experiência em implantação de Plantas Industriais.
Principal função Gerenciar toda Engenharia de Projeto de Construção é mandatório ter atuado com Extrusoras. Inglês Fluente. Vaga Para Interior de SP.
Interessados enviar cv .
Gerente Financeiro - Santos/SP
Empresa multinacional localizada em Santos busca Gerente Financeiro com inglês Fluente. Conhecimentos em IFRS e Espanhol serão diferenciais. Graduação em Contábeis, Adm ou Economia. É imprescindível que já resida em Santos. Os interessados poderão enviar o CV para o email:


Diretor Vendas e Marketing (Software)
Philips - Barueri (São Paulo e Região, Brasil)
Descrição da vaga

Formação:- Graduação em administração ou áreas afins;
- Pós-graduação ou cursos de espacialização em vendas/marketing.

Experiência:- Mínimo de 10 anos de experiência no mercado da Tecnologia de Informação no Brasil, especificamente comprovar experiência com gestão de vendas e marketing aplicada a softwares do tipo ERP.- Experiência em posições de liderança. Mínimo de 05 anos ocupando cargos de alta gerência.- Experiência em gestão de canais de distribuição.- Experiência em empresas com forte orientação a processos, de preferência com certificações ISO.- Experiência com planejamento estratégico, sua execução e controle junto as equipes.
- Experiência no mercado da América Latina e com Tecnolodia da Informação no mercado de saúde serão diferenciais.

Idioma:- Requeridos Português e Inglês fluentes;
- Desejável Espanhol.

- Gestão das vendas diretas e indiretas (por canais de distribuição) no Brasil e nos demais países da América Latina;- Gestão das vendas nos setores público e privado;- Liderança da equipe de vendas e marketing;- Plano de marketing e comunicação e a sua execução;- Gerenciamento de ações de marketing de relacionamento/retenção de clientes na base instalada;- Gerenciamento de marketing de produto / pré-vendas;
- Gerenciamento de alianças.
Descrição da empresa

Royal Philips Electronics of the Netherlands (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHI) is a diversified health and well-being company, focused on improving people's lives through timely innovations. As a world leader in healthcare, lifestyle and lighting, Philips integrates technologies and design into people-centric solutions, based on fundamental customer insights and the brand promise of "sense and simplicity". Headquartered in the Netherlands, Philips employs about 117,000 employees with sales and services in more than 100 countries worldwide. With sales of EUR 22.3 billion in 2010, the company is a market leader in cardiac care, acute care and home healthcare, energy efficient lighting solutions and new lighting applications, as well as lifestyle products for personal well-being and pleasure with strong leadership positions in male shaving and grooming, portable entertainment and oral healthcare. News from Philips is located at
Informações adicionais

Publicado:17 de julho de 2012Tipo: Tempo integral Experiência: Diretor Funções: Vendas Setores: Atendimento médico e hospitalar Código da vaga:3401113


My client - A leading Chinese solar company currently seeking for a SALES MANAGER based in BRAZIL. Candidate MUST have experience in the South-American PV marketespecially Brazil. For those that are interested, please send your recent CV to: for review and possibly further discussion.